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Award for ECO-Facade

Award for ECO-Facade

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Featured at Designbuild 2014, the Eco Façade by Paarhammer wins the Selector Best New Product Award 2014, sponsored by Selector and Architectural Product News, and Designbuild. The award encourages innovation, development and improvement of products for use in architectural projects, and the product must have been released to the Australian market during the 12 months prior to Designbuild 2014. The judges for 2014 include Clare Cousins, founding director of Clare Cousins Architects; Jeremy McLeod, founding director of Breathe Architecture; and Nick Deans, project professional at Woods Bagot. The energy efficient and sustainable glass façade, with a low U-value from 0.8,
Glass Matters Explained

Glass Matters Explained

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Glass is an important factor for the performance of windows and doors. Here are some terms and explanations and how glass can be used: Annealed Glass the common flat glass often used in double glazing. It tends to break into large jagged shards. Toughened Glass annealed glass is heated to above 600 °C and the surface then rapidly cooled, resulting in increased resistance to breakage. If it does break it breaks into small regular, mostly square fragments. Laminated glass this is made of two or more layers of glass with an interlayer bonded in between, providing safety and security. In